Több száz új munkahely a call center-iparban: a vidéki nagyvárosokban is növekszik a piac

Az eSense Nyrt. leányvállalata, a CallComm Zrt. a tavalyi év során nyerte el a HIPA (Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség) pályázatát, amelynek köszönhetően több mint száz új munkahelyet teremtettek Nyíregyházán.
2024-06-20 09:06:46

Berlin activists call off 92-day climate hunger strike

Post Content
2024-06-13 15:09:55

Musk says Tesla investors voting yes for pay deal

Tesla is due to make an official announcement on the result of the vote at a meeting on Thursday.
2024-06-13 07:08:13

Greens to call for tax hike on wealthy at manifesto launch

2024-06-12 07:08:01

Germany and France call for an end to Israeli offensive in Rafah

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2024-05-28 22:07:45

Post Content
2024-05-21 14:11:08

Water investors have withdrawn billions, says research

A report suggests shareholders have taken billons but failed to invest as water bills look set to rise.
2024-05-20 08:07:37

Water investors have withdrawn billions, says research

A report suggests shareholders have taken billons but failed to invest as water bills look set to rise.
2024-05-20 02:06:36

Óriási döntés született az idei Call of Duty kapcsán

Vállalja a rizikót a Microsoft, örülhetnek a PC és Xbox gépeken játszók.
2024-05-18 12:08:00

Lithuanian president joins call for higher defence expenditure

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2024-04-26 17:08:23

EU, UN call for probe into reported mass graves at Gaza hospitals

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2024-04-24 14:09:38

Scholz asks Netanyahu in phone call to continue to avoid escalation

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2024-04-21 21:07:18

EU leaders call for calm as Israel-Iran situation threatens to spiral

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2024-04-17 23:06:47

Rákapcsolt a legnagyobb magyar call center: év végére már 750-en is dolgozhatnak náluk

Két éve lépett tőzsdére az eSense: a call center-szolgáltatásokkal, munkaerőkölcsönzéssel foglalkozó cégcsoport nemrég tette közzé első, teljes évre vonatkozó beszámolóját. A 2023-as év intenzív üzleti tevékenységet, ezzel pedig erős növekedést hozott a cégcsoport számára, ugyanakkor a gyorsan változó és növekvő piac komoly kihívások elé is állította a vállalatot.
2024-04-15 14:07:14

Berlin and Paris call for support for Sudanese people amid civil war

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2024-04-15 13:08:12

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2024-04-11 10:10:40

Boris Johnson: Shameful to call for UK to end arms sales to Israel

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2024-04-06 13:08:30

Ukraine lowers combat call-up age to boost numbers

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2024-04-03 05:07:09

'Hello Greta!': Justin Trudeau 'fields call from pranksters'

Pranksters posing as the climate activist told the Canadian PM to "drop your weapons, pick flowers".
2020-11-24 21:06:00

German police bust crime ring based at Turkish call center

2020-12-19 20:07:26

Covid: US House votes to boost stimulus package payments

The chamber backs President Trump's call for $2,000 payments but the move could stall in the Senate.™
2020-12-29 03:05:49

Samaa Abdulhadi: Activists call for release of 'Palestinian techno queen'

Samaa Abdulhadi was detained after organising an event at a site where an Islamic shrine is located.
2020-12-30 19:05:58

Call for all UK schools to stay shut

Ministers say a decision to close all London primaries was a "last resort" to tackle Covid, but unions call for further action.
2021-01-02 06:05:53

Georgia election: Donald Trump's phone call fact-checked

The president made a string of claims in a phone call with officials in Georgia as he disputes the state's election result.
2021-01-04 16:05:55

Raffensperger calls Trump 'just plain wrong' after election call

Georgia's top election official says Trump cited "bad data" when he asked him to "find" more votes.
2021-01-04 18:05:57

Trump's Call Leaves Allies Fearful for American Democracy

2021-01-04 22:05:50

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's call to action distorted in debate

2021-01-13 21:06:02

Air industry calls for aid after UK travel curbs

Air industry bodies call for more support ahead of the UK's tighter quarantine rules on Monday.
2021-01-16 10:05:50

Gyerek volt a lopott autóban, a tolvaj visszament és leszidta az anyát

Egy autótolvaj leszidott, majd azzal fenyegetett meg egy anyukát, hogy rendőrt hív rá, mert benne hagyta négyéves gyerekét az autóban, amit ellopott egy bolt elől az amerikai Beaverton városában ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. Az eset szombaton, helyi idő szerint reggel 9 óra után pár perccel történt az Oregon államban található városban. Az Oregonian című lapnak a városi rendőrség szóvivője elmondta, hogy az anyuka csak pár percre ugrott be egy élelmiszerüzletbe, hogy tejet és hús vásároljon, és közben az autóban hagyta kisgyerekét. Matt Henderson szóvivő közlése szerint a nő nem követett el bűn...
2021-01-18 11:05:40

Trapped Chinese miners say thanks for medicine, call for sausages

Communication with 12 men trapped in Chinese gold mine sparks hope of rescue, but 10 remain missing.
2021-01-19 13:07:11

Megsérült a hüvelykujja, visszavonult a profi esportoló

Thomas "ZooMaa" Paparatto 25 évesen búcsúzik a Call of Dutytól.
2021-01-21 08:06:05

Nord Stream 2: MEPs call for halt to Russian gas pipeline

The arrest of Putin critic Alexei Navalny increases European pressure on Germany to stop Nord Stream 2.
2021-01-21 23:05:56

'The phone call that brought me freedom - but broke my mother's heart'

When Farah Sayeed told her mother she wasn't coming home after university, it caused a painful rift.
2021-01-22 02:05:59

President Biden and unity: Can the next generation unify America?

Democrat Ala'a and Republican Caleb, both 16, on whether President Biden's call for unity can be achieved.
2021-01-22 02:05:59

Why Sigourney Weaver had to say yes to Call My Agent

The Hollywood star explains why a role in the hit French comedy series was too good to refuse.
2021-01-22 03:05:58

UK PM has first call with Biden since inauguration

Boris Johnson said he looked forward to "deepening the longstanding alliance" between the UK and US.
2021-01-24 00:05:52

Detective Jane Mugo: Meet Kenya's 'spy queen'

BBC Africa Eye looks at the inside story of Detective Jane Mugo, the woman they call Kenya?s "spy queen".
2021-01-25 02:05:58

Biden walking a high wire with Russia ahead of Putin call

2021-01-26 07:06:06

Biden raises election meddling with Putin in first phone call

The Russian leader says his first call with the new US president was "businesslike and frank".
2021-01-26 23:05:57

Sani Abacha - the hunt for the billions stolen by Nigeria's ex-leader

A phone call in the middle of the night led one Swiss lawyer to pursue Nigeria's stolen money.
2021-01-28 02:05:57

'Bad words' lead to GameStop shares plunging

Private investors using online chatrooms have led to a trading frenzy in some unexpected shares.
2021-01-28 08:05:52

Parenting during lockdown is exhausting, says Kate

The Duchess of Cambridge spoke about home schooling her children during a call with other parents.
2021-01-29 09:05:50

Covid: AstraZeneca contract must be published, says European Commission chief

Ursula von der Leyen's call follows a row over the firm's deal to supply its Covid jab to the EU.
2021-01-29 10:06:53

From hanging out with footballers to working in a call centre, meet GB's world champion breaker

Breaking star and Generation Next athlete Karam Singh aims to inspire more British Asians to take up elite sport.
2021-01-30 09:06:05

Silver surges as Reddit army turns to commodities

The investors that caused GameStop to surge are now turning their attention to silver.
2021-02-01 04:05:57

Business leaders call for a post-Covid economic roadmap

The CBI employers' group tells the government a post-Covid economic strategy will unlock investment.
2021-02-01 04:05:57

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Congresswoman faces threat of expulsion

Democrats call their resolution against Marjorie Taylor Greene a "line-in-the-sand moment".
2021-02-02 00:05:58


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